Management Styles: Western and Asian

Management Styles: Western and Asian


Management styles vary from country to country. Though some things are universal, others are not. For example, a manager may say they don’t have time for small talk at work, but in Japan, this is considered rude and unprofessional. There are also many different approaches to leadership that can affect how your team communicates with each other and gets things done together. In this article we will explore what makes up a Western vs Asian management style and how you can best adapt your own style to meet the needs of your team members and clients.

Management Styles: Western and Asian

Leadership style

Western managers tend to focus on the team’s goals, while Asian managers take a more individualized approach. Western managers are more likely to delegate, while Asian managers are more hands-on. Western managers tend to be transparent with their employees–and they expect the same from them in return.

Asian cultures have long been known for their emphasis on group harmony; this is reflected in how they lead and manage teams: there’s less emphasis on individual performance or rewards for success because it can disrupt group cohesion (which is considered preferable). Instead, leaders focus on supporting each person so that everyone works together toward shared goals rather than competing against each other for recognition or promotions within an organization.

Planning and Organization

Westerners are more likely to plan and organize than Asians. Westerners are more goal-oriented, while Asians are more process-oriented and flexible. As a result, Westerners tend to focus on the big picture while Asians tend to get caught up in details–like how much time each step of a project will take or what kind of equipment is needed for it.

It’s not just planning that differs between these cultures: Westerners also tend to have stricter timelines and schedules than do their Asian counterparts (who may be more comfortable with flexibility).

Control and Decision-making

  • Control and Decision-making. Western managers tend to be more directive and directive, while their Asian counterparts are more consultative and consultative.
  • Autocratic vs Consensual Leadership Styles: In both cultures, leaders prefer autocratic styles (where the leader gives orders) when dealing with subordinates who are less competent than they are; however, when dealing with more competent employees or peers from other organizations/departments (e.g., during mergers), leaders tend toward consensual leadership styles where decisions are made through discussion rather than simply issuing commands from above (Hofstede 2001).

Communication Style

  • Westerners are more direct and to the point. They like to have a lot of face time with their boss, while Asians prefer indirect communication as a way of showing respect in order to maintain harmony.
  • Westerners value directness over politeness when communicating; they want an answer right away, even if it’s negative. In contrast, Asians prefer to take things slow so as not to offend people or make them uncomfortable; they will often use silence as an alternative means of communication if they don’t know how else to express themselves appropriately (or at all).

Workplace Culture

Workplace culture is a set of values, beliefs and norms that shape how people in an organization behave. It’s shaped by the leader and can also be influenced by the people who work there. It’s even affected by the environment around you–if your office looks like a dumpster fire all day long, no one will want to come into work!

In Western cultures (like America), managers are known for being “command-and-control” leaders: they give orders from above and expect those below them to follow them without question. This style works well because it gives clear direction from top down so employees know exactly what’s expected of them when performing tasks at work or home life outside work hours too if applicable (e.g., having children).

Cultural differences affect how you manage.

One of the most important lessons I learned in my first few years as a manager was that cultural differences affect how you manage. In order to be effective in your role, it’s important to understand how these differences manifest themselves and how they may impact your team. In this article, we’ll look at some of the key differences between Western and Asian cultures when it comes to management styles–and what managers can do about them if they need help adapting their style or hiring someone else who fits better with their team’s preferences.


There are many factors to consider when managing people. You can’t just assume that a Western style will work for everyone, and you also need to be aware of how different cultures may affect your own management style. It’s important to know where your employees are coming from so that their needs are met and everyone feels like they have equal say in their work environment.