How To Be More Resource-Efficient

How To Be More Resource-Efficient


When it comes to green business practices, it’s easy to focus on simple ways that save money and resources. But if you really want to make an impact on the environment, then you need to look at every aspect of your business—from your supply chain all the way down to how you treat your employees and customers. That’s why we’ve put together this list of simple ways that any company can become more resource-efficient in 2019:

How To Be More Resource-Efficient

Encourage employees to bring their own reusable water bottles, instead of having them buy disposable ones.

Encourage employees to bring their own reusable water bottles, instead of having them buy disposable ones.

  • It’s a win-win: By encouraging your employees to bring their own reusable bottles, you’re helping the environment and saving money at the same time. Plus, it will help encourage healthier lifestyles in your office!
  • Your employees will feel valued–and more likely to stay with your company if they feel like they’re being treated well by management.

Take advantage of technology to help you manage resources more efficiently.

As a leader, you have a responsibility to use resources efficiently. Technology can help you do this in several ways.

  • It can help you find better ways to use resources by providing data on how they’re being used today, so that patterns can be identified and improved upon.
  • It can also be used as an effective monitoring tool for resource usage, allowing leaders from across different departments or locations within an organization access to real-time information about how much of each type of material is being consumed at any given moment in time–and where it’s being used most frequently (or least frequently).

Compost your kitchen scraps and share them with local farmers if possible.

Composting is a great way to reduce waste and share resources with others. It’s also an easy way to make your garden more productive, as compost provides nutrients for plants.

Composting can take many forms, but the basic idea is that you combine organic materials (like food scraps) with soil and water them regularly until they decompose into humus–a dark, crumbly substance that makes soil healthy and rich in nutrients. Here are some things you should know before starting a compost pile:

  • What can I compost? Any organic material can be added to a compost pile; it’s best if you sort through your kitchen scraps before adding them so you know what goes where. Vegetable peels from fruits like apples or potatoes need to go somewhere else because they will attract rodents if mixed into the whole batch of kitchen waste! Grass clippings from trimming lawns should also go elsewhere since these will smell bad when decomposing in hot temperatures inside piles made up entirely out of other types

Buy in bulk, then repackage the items for home use where appropriate.

The easiest way to do this is by buying things in bulk. Once you’ve done so, repackage the items for home use where appropriate.

  • For example: If you buy a large bag of rice or beans at the store, repackage it into smaller bags or containers when you get home so that they’re easier to store and use.
  • You can also find many bulk items online through websites such as Amazon or eBay. Just make sure that if an item comes in packaging (such as plastic jars), it’s recyclable!

Calculate your annual water usage and make sure you’re within industry standards.

The first step to becoming more resource-efficient is to calculate your annual water usage. To do this, you will need to know how many people live in your household and how much they use per person. Once you have this information, it’s easy to find out how much water you’re using every year by multiplying the number of people by their average daily consumption (in gallons).

For example:

  • If there are two adults living in a household and each one uses 100 gallons per day on average (which is about 20 times more than an American family), then the total household consumption would be 200 gallons per day.*

If this number seems high compared with industry standards for similar homes or apartments, there are steps that can be taken so that it does not exceed those standards–or even come close!

Reduce waste by making your business more resource-efficient

Reduce your carbon footprint by making your business more resource-efficient.

  • Reduce waste: Reduce the amount of materials you use and the number of products you throw away by reusing, recycling and repairing.
  • Save money: Many resource-efficient practices can save you lots of money in the long run–from using less energy to keep your building cool to making repairs instead of buying new equipment when old equipment breaks down (or just keeps working).
  • Save time: Time is money! By reducing how much time it takes for employees or volunteers to complete certain tasks, they’ll be able to get back on track with other responsibilities at hand–and that means less stress for everyone involved!

Make your business more sustainable by being resourceful in all areas possible; from how much energy is used in various parts of an office building (like lighting) all the way down through which materials go into creating each product sold by a company’s website or retail store location(s).


We hope you’ve found this article helpful in your journey toward making your business more resource-efficient. The most important thing to remember is that there are so many ways to make a difference, and none of them require a significant investment of time or money. By being mindful of your impact on the environment and by taking action whenever possible, we can all help create a better world for ourselves–and future generations!