Introduction The world is moving more and more toward technology, and with good reason. Information technology (IT) can help your business become more productive, efficient, and competitive. In addition to the financial benefits of adopting IT systems, you also gain access to a wealth of data that can inform decision […]
Data Mastery: A Quick Guide To Effective Data Management
Introduction Data management is more than just a buzzword. It’s also a very important component of any business strategy. In this post, we’ll take a look at what data management is and why it’s so important to your company. We’ll also discuss some ways that you can improve your data […]
Are Your Business Processes Ready For Automation
Introduction Automation has reached a point where it can be applied to nearly any business process, but it needs a human touch. Businesses need to understand how AI can be used in their area of expertise or industry. Automation can help staff become more efficient and effective. Artificial Intelligence (AI) […]
Achieving Interoperability Across End-to-End Workflows
Introduction Interoperability is a key component to successful integration across end-to-end workflows. The benefits of achieving interoperability are clear. The ability to integrate and collaborate with others can help organizations achieve their goals by becoming more efficient and effective. Achieving interoperability is no longer an option. Achieving interoperability is no […]
Advertising Sustainability: How Marketing and Advertising Can Drive Change
Introduction Having worked as a marketing expert for nearly twenty years now, I’ve seen a lot of things. I’ve seen the changing landscape of social media and advertising, new interfaces, and innovative uses of technology. But one thing I haven’t seen is how marketing can drive change. Introduction Sustainability is […]
Business Continuity Planning: The Importance Of Disaster Recovery
Introduction If you’re running a business, then you have probably seen the importance of disaster recovery. From floods to fires and even natural disasters, there are many things that can go wrong with your business. That’s why it’s important to create a disaster recovery plan if you don’t already have […]
Why Data and Technology is Transforming the World of Customer Experience
Introduction Customer experience is more important than ever. As technology has become ubiquitous and consumers have become savvier, businesses need to find new ways to connect with customers and provide them with the experiences they want. The best way for organizations to achieve this goal is by using data and […]
The Keys to Building Culture Through Technology Adoption in a Startup
Introduction You know what’s not cool? Building a great product or service, then having it fail because your company didn’t create the right culture around adoption. It’s also not cool to have your employees wasting time on outdated software and tools that don’t help them do their jobs well. That’s […]
Enhancing Workforce Augmentation
Introduction The world of work is changing, and companies need to adapt. The rate of technological development has increased substantially in the past few years, and it’s not just AI that’s reshaping business models. Emerging trends like cloud computing, big data analytics and machine learning are making it easier than […]
Why You Should Care About Cybersecurity
Introduction Cybersecurity is the key to business survival in this digital age. If your company has a culture of security, you’re more likely to survive a cyberattack. You can take steps towards becoming more secure today! The average cost of a data breach has now reached $5.5 million, according to […]